WebHost Manager has a large number of predefined scripts available in the /scripts folder. The available scripts are as follows:
adddns - Adds a DNS zone.
addfpmail - Add frontpage mail exts to all domains without them.
addnetmaskips - Add the netmask to all ips that have no netmask.
addpop - Add a Pop Account.
addservlets - Add JSP support to an account (requires tomcat).
addstatus - (Internal use never called by user).
adduser - Add a user to the system.
adduser.old - (OLD)
admin - Run WHM Lite.
apachelimits - Add rlimits to Apache.
bandwidth - (OLD)
builddomainaddr - (OLD)
bupcp - (OLD)
chcpass - (Internal use).
checkinterchange - (Internal use).
checklog - (OLD)
chownpublichtmls - Change ownership of all users web space to them, which is useful for converting to suexec. Files owned by nobody are deleted.
chpass - Change password.
cleandns - (OLD)
cleandns8 - Clean up named.conf.
cleanmd5 - Fix CPAN md5 problems.
cleanopenwebmail - (OLD)
configips - (OLD)
*.cgi - (INTERNAL)
*.c - (INTERNAL)
cpbackup - Backup.
dialog* - (NOT USED)
dns_setup - (OLD)
dnstransfer - Only if the server has a DNS master (sync with DNS master).
dotbuffer - (INTERNAL)
editquota - Change a users quota.
enablechkservdwebmail - Enable service checking of webmaild.
exchange* - (INTERNAL)
finddev - (INTERNAL)
findhacks - Search for common Trojan Horses.
findtrojans - Exhaustive Trojan Horse search.
fixadmin - (OLD)
fixcartwithsuexec - (INTERNAL) - Can be used to fix a cart with suexec.
fixcgiwrap - (OLD)
fixcommonproblems - Attempt to fix the most common problems.
fixeverything - Common problems and quotas.
fixfpwml - Fix for .wml errors with frontpage.
fixheaders - Run if nothing compiles errors with .h files on compile.
fixhome - (NOT USED) - Unsymlink items.
fixinterchange - Reinstall interchange Perl modules.
fixinterchangeperm - fix permissions on a users interchange cart.
fixipsnm - Same as addnetmask ips, but Perl though.
fixlibnet - Reinstall Bundle::libnet (Perl).
fixlocalhostwithphp - Change /etc/hosts to work better with php 4.2.0 + mySQL.
fixndc - Repair redhat's broken named.conf on 7.2.
fixoldlistswithsuexec - Run after enabling suexec on the server to change the urls that Mailman gives out to ones that don't give a 500 internal server error.
fixperl - Symlink /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl.
fixpop - Fix a POP account and reset password.
fixquotas - Fix quotas.
fixrelayd - (OLD)
fixrh72ndckey - (INTERNAL)
fixsubdomainlogs - Run if subdomain logs don't show up in CPanel.
fixsuexeccgiscripts - Fix cgi scripts that are broken after suexec installed.
fixtrojans - (NOT USED)
fixvaliases - Fix permisions on valiases.
fixwebalizer - Repair a Webalizer that has stopped updating.
fixwebmail - (OLD)
fixwwwdir - (OLD)
fpbtr - (OLD)
fpsuexec - (INTERNAL)
fpsuexec2 - (INTERNAL)
fpupgrade - (INTERNAL)
gencrt - Generate a .crt and .csr file.
gencrt2 - (NOT USED)
gentomcatlist - (INTERNAL)
gethomedir - (INTERNAL)
getpasswd - (INTERNAL)
getremotecpmove - (INTERNAL)
grabemails - (INTERNAL)
grabhttp* - (INTERNAL)
hackcheck - (INTERNAL)
hdparmify - Enable dma/irq/32bit hd access, which speeds up ide drives. - (INTERNAL)
icpanel - (OLD)
initbyteslog - (INTERNAL)
initfpsuexec - Enable FrontPage suexec support.
initquotas - Turn on quota support on new drives.
initsslhttpd - Make sure http starts with ssl.
initsuexec - Turn on suexec support if suexec is installed.
installaimicq - (INTERNAL)
installdbi - Install Bundle::DBD::mysql.
installipc - (INTERNAL)
installrmmods - (OLD)
installspam - Install SpamAssassin.
installssl - Add a ssl vhost.
installzendopt* - Install zend optimzer.
ipcheck - (INTERNAL)
ipusage - (INTERNAL)
kernelcheck - (INTERNAL)
killacct - Delete an account.
killbadrpms - Secuirty script that kills insecure rpms from the server.
killdns - Delete a DNS zone.
killndbm - Remove the broken NDBM_File module from 7.2.
killvhost - Delete a vhost.
listsubdomains - List subdomains.
mailadmin - (DEAD, OLD)
mailperm - Fix almost any mail permission problem.
mailtroubleshoot - Guided mail fix.
makesecondary - Part of DNS transfer.
mkquotas - OLD
mkwwwacctconf - (INTERNAL)
mysqladduserdb - Create a mySQL databse and user.
mysqldeluserdb - Delete a mySQL databse and user.
mysqlinfo - (OLD)
mysqlpass - Change mysql password.
newdomains* - (OLD)
newftpuser - Create a new virtual ftp users.
newpop - Create a pop account.
nofsck - Make fsck always use -y
oopcheck - (INTERNAL)
park - Park a domain.
pedquota - (INTERNAL) - Part of editquota (for editting quota).
phpini - Create a php.ini file.
pkgacct* - (INTERNAL)
popftpuse - (OLD)
portsup - (FREEBSD BETA)
pscan - (OLD)
quicksecure - Quickly kill useless services.
rasetup - (OLD)
rawchpass - (INTERNAL)
rebuildcpusers - Rebuild /var/cpanel/users.
rebuildhttpdconffromproftpdconf - Rebuild httpd.conf from the proftpd.conf file.
rebuildinterchangecfg - Used after moving a domain with Interchange to the server.
rebuildippool - (INTERNAL)
rebuildnamedconf - Restore named.conf from files in /var/named.
rebuildproftpd - Restore proftpd.conf from httpd.conf.
remdefssl - Remove default ssl vhost.
resetquotas - Change quotas to what they should be .
restartsrv - Restart a service.
reswhostmgr - Restart whostmgr.
rhlupdate - (OLD)
rpmup - Upgrade redhat/mandrake errata/security.
runlogsnow - (OLD)
runweblogs - Run analog/webalizer/etc. for a user.
ruserssscpcmd - (INTERNAL)
scpcmd - (INTERNAL)
searchreplace - (NOT USED)
secureit - Remove unnecessary suid binaries.
setupfp - Install FrontPage 3 on an account.
setupfp4 - Install FrontPage 4 (2000) installer on an account
setupfp5 - Install FrontPage 5 (2002) installer on an account
simpleps - Display the process list.
simplesshcmd - (INTERNAL)
snarf - (INTERNAL)
sscpcmd - (INTERNAL)
ssh* - (INTERNAL)
suspendacct - Suspend an account.
sysup - update CPanel rpms.
telentcrt - (OLD)
testinf - (OLD)
trustme - (INTERNAL)
uf - (OLD)
unlimitnamed - Install the latest version of bind patched to support greater than 512 ips on the server.
unblockip - Unblock an IP blocked by portsentry.
unpktacct - (INTERNAL)
unsetupfp4 - Remove FrontPage 4 or 5 from an account.
unslavenamedconf - If the user accidentally sets a DNS master as local server, this will repair named.conf after the loop.
unsuspendacct - Unsuspend an account.
upcp - Update CPanel.
updated - Update /scripts.
updatedomainips - (INTERNAL)
updatenow - Update /scripts NOW.
updateuserdomains - (INTERNAL)
userps - (OLD)
userss* - (INTERNAL)
verify - (OLD)
whoowns - Find out who owns a domain.
whostmgrkey - (OLD)
wwwacct - Create an account.
x* - (OLD)
zoneexists - (INTERNAL)