
WebHost Manager uses comprehensive installers that take most of the effort out of installing the complex WebHost Manager software package. You will need the following to install WebHost Manager:

The following partition scheme is recommended:

Minimum CPU/RAM/HD:

To install WebHost Manager

  1. Make sure you are logged in as root.

  2. # cd /home

  3. # wget

    Note: For FreeBSD, you need to download and untar the latest installer package from

  4. # sh lastest

  5. The installer has now started, and will take between 10 and 70 minutes depending on your machine. If you are asked any questions press the Enter key, or q if there is no default. After the install completes, you need to setup WebHost Manager - refer to Logging on for the first time for more information.


Logging on for the first time
Logging on
Change log