Account Functions
The Account Functions area deals with all of the functions necessary to create and manage web hosting accounts, from creating and editing accounts to e-mailing all users and listing all subdomains. Refer to the many sub-topics below for more information on using the account functions in WebHost Manager.
Listing accounts
Creating a new account
Skeleton directory
Terminating an account
Modifying an account
Upgrading or downgrading an account
Rearranging an account
Viewing bandwidth usage
Limiting bandwidth usage
Suspending or unsuspending an account
Listing suspended accounts
Modifying the Suspended Account page
Modifying quotas
Modifying an account password
E-mailing all users
Displaying all accounts
Changing account ownership
Enabling or disabling demo mode
Showing reseller accounts
Downloading a raw Apache log
Unsuspending all accounts that exceed bandwidth
Fixing insecure CGI permissions
Changing a site's IP address
Enabling or disabling shell access
Resetting an account's original package bandwidth limits
Listing subdomains